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PyMySQL is a pure-Python MySQL client library, based on PEP 249. Most public APIs are compatible with mysqlclient and MySQLdb. PyMySQL works with MySQL 5.5+ and MariaDB 5.5+.
MySQL is a leading open source database management system. It is a multiuser, multithreaded database management system. MySQL is especially popular on the web.
USE testdb; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cities; CREATE TABLE cities(id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(255), population INT); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Bratislava', 432000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Budapest', 1759000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Prague', 1280000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Warsaw', 1748000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Los Angeles', 3971000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('New York', 8550000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Edinburgh', 464000); INSERT INTO cities(name, population) VALUES('Berlin', 3671000);
In the tutorial, we use the cities
PyMySQL installation
$ sudo pip3 install pymysql
We use the pip3
tool to install PyMySQL.
PyMySQL version example
In the following example, we get the version of MySQL.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb') try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT VERSION()') version = cur.fetchone() print(f'Database version: {version[0]}') finally: con.close()
to get the version of MySQL.
import pymysql
We import the pymysql
con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb')
We connect to the database with connect
. We pass four parameters:
the hostname, the MySQL user name, the password, and the database name.
with con.cursor() as cur:
Using the with
keyword, the Python interpreter automatically
releases the resources. It also provides error handling. We get a cursor
object, which is used to traverse records from the result set.
cur.execute('SELECT VERSION()')
We call the execute
function of the cursor and execute the SQL
version = cur.fetchone()
The fetchone
function fetches the next row of a query
result set, returning a single sequence, or None
when no
more data is available.
print(f'Database version: {version[0]}')
We print the version of the database.
finally: con.close()
The pymysql
module does not implement the automatic handling of the
connection resource; we need to explicitly close the connection with
in the finally clause.
$ ./version.py Database version: 10.3.23-MariaDB-1
PyMySQL fetchAll
The fetchAll
method retrieves all (remaining) rows of a query
result, returning them as a sequence of sequences.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb') try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities') rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(f'{row[0]} {row[1]} {row[2]}') finally: con.close()
In the example, we retrieve all cities from the database table.
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities')
This SQL statement selects all data from the cities table.
rows = cur.fetchall()
The fetchall
function gets all records. It returns a result set.
Technically, it is a tuple of tuples. Each of the inner tuples represent a row
in the table.
for row in rows: print(f'{row[0]} {row[1]} {row[2]}')
We print the data to the console, row by row.
$ ./fetch_all.py 1 Bratislava 432000 2 Budapest 1759000 3 Prague 1280000 4 Warsaw 1748000 5 Los Angeles 3971000 6 New York 8550000 7 Edinburgh 464000 8 Berlin 3671000
PyMySQL dictionary cursor
The default cursor returns the data in a tuple of tuples. When we use a dictionary cursor, the data is sent in a form of Python dictionaries. This way we can refer to the data by their column names.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql import pymysql.cursors con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='user7', password='s$cret', db='testdb', charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities') rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row['id'], row['name']) finally: con.close()
In this example, we get the first rows of the cities table using the dictionary cursor.
con = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='user7', password='s$cret', db='testdb', charset='utf8mb4', cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
In the connect
function, we pass the
value to the cursorclass
for row in rows: print(row['id'], row['name'])
We refer to the data by column names of the cities table.
PyMySQL column headers
Next we will show how to print column headers with the data from the database table.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb') try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities') rows = cur.fetchall() desc = cur.description print(f'{desc[0][0]:<8} {desc[1][0]:<15} {desc[2][0]:>10}') for row in rows: print(f'{row[0]:<8} {row[1]:<15} {row[2]:>10}') finally: con.close()
The column names are considered to be the metadata. They are obtained from the cursor object.
desc = cur.description
The description
attribute of the cursor returns information about
each of the result columns of a query.
print(f'{desc[0][0]:<8} {desc[1][0]:<15} {desc[2][0]:>10}')
Here we print and format the table column names.
for row in rows: print(f'{row[0]:<8} {row[1]:<15} {row[2]:>10}')
We traverse and print the data.
$ ./column_headers.py id name population 1 Bratislava 432000 2 Budapest 1759000 3 Prague 1280000 4 Warsaw 1748000 5 Los Angeles 3971000 6 New York 8550000 7 Edinburgh 464000 8 Berlin 3671000
PyMySQL escaping parameters
The parameters passed to the execute
method are escaped for
security reasons; this is to prevent SQL injection attacks.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb') # user input myid = 4 try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities WHERE id=%s', myid) cid, name, population = cur.fetchone() print(cid, name, population) finally: con.close()
In the example, we get the row with the specified Id.
cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities WHERE id=%s', myid)
We use a placeholder identified by the %s
Before the SQL statement is executed, the values are bound to their
$ ./escaped.py 4 Warsaw 1748000
PyMySQL affected rows
The rowcount
is a read-only cursor attribute which specifies the
number of rows that was produced by the the last SELECT, UPDATE, or
INSERT statement.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb') try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cities WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3)') print(f'The query affected {cur.rowcount} rows') finally: con.close()
In the example, we have a SELECT statement that selects three rows.
print(f'The query affected {cur.rowcount} rows')
We build a message that shows the number of affected rows.
$ ./affected_rows.py The query affected 3 rows
PyMySQL insert row
A new row is inserted with the INSERT INTO
SQL statement.
#!/usr/bin/python import pymysql con = pymysql.connect('localhost', 'user7', 's$cret', 'testdb') city = (9, 'Kiev', 2887000) try: with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute('INSERT INTO cities VALUES(%s, %s, %s)', (city[0], city[1], city[2])) con.commit() print('new city inserted') finally: con.close()
In the example, we insert a new city into the table.
cur.execute('INSERT INTO cities VALUES(%s, %s, %s)', (city[0], city[1], city[2])) con.commit()
In pymysql
, the autocommit is off by default. We need to call
to execute the changes.