Technologies I Worked with
1. Development:
- Python, C,C++, Flask, Django, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, Redis, Celery, Docker, Nginx, Gunicorn, Jenkins, Git, Selenium, MySQL
- NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Jupyter, PyMySQL, PyMongo, SQLAlchemy, pytest, unittest, redis-py, torch-audio
- OS: Linux(Bash), Android, VirtualBox, Tizen
2. Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing:
- PyTorch, Huggingface, Facebook Fairseq, pyctcdecode, SciKit-Learn, TensorFlow-keras
- KenLM, Scrapy, spaCy, Gensim, NLTK, polyglot,fasttext, TextBlob, SpecAugment, CTC Word Beam Search Decoding Algorithm, g2p-seq2seq
- gpt-2, BERT, Fast-Bert, Google T5, Squash QA
- kaldi, cmusphinx, deepspeech.pytorch, wav2letter++
- opencv-python, Pillow/PIL
3. Others:
- Tesseract OCR, Deeplearning4j, waifu2x, video2x , Honk: CNNs for Keyword Spotting, ibus-avro, jsAvro ,ffmpeg, librosa