BFS DFS TopologicalSort Code in python

DFS Study:

  • Recursive
adjmat =[[0,3,4],[3,5,6]]
adjls = {i: adjmat[i] for i in range(len(adjmat))}
visited = set()
def dfs(root):
if root in visited:
return # False
if not adjls[root]:
return # True
for n in adjls[root]:
return True
  • Iterative:

Topological Sort (for DAG only)

def tpdfs(adjMat: List[List[int]] = [[0,3,4],[3,5,6]]): # Given graph as adjMat
adjls = {i: adjMat[i] for i in range(len(adjMat))}
visited, topoorder = [], []

def dfs(root):
if root in visited:
if not adjls[root]:
return True
for n in adjls[root]:
dfs(n) # if topo order impossible

for n in range(len(adjMat)):
return topoorder
  • Applications:
  1. Topological sort can be used to quickly find the shortest paths from the weighted directed acyclic graph.
  2. It is used to check whether there exists a cycle in the graph or not Topological sort is useful to find the deadlock condition in an operating system
  3. It is used in course scheduling problems to schedule jobs
  4. It is used to find the dependency resolution
  5. Topological sort is very useful to find sentence ordering in very fewer efforts
  6. It is used in manufacturing workflows or data serialization in an application
  7. It is used for ordering the cell evaluation while recomputing formula values in an excel sheet or spreadsheet.

BFS Study:

  • Iterative
from collections import deque

class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, left=None, right=None, val=-1):
self.left, self.right, self.val = left, right, val

def bfs(root: TreeNode):  # iterative bfs using Queue

if not root: return

q = deque ()
q.append (root)

while q:
node = q.popleft ()
if node:  # if node not None / last nodes
q.append (node.left)
q.append (node.right)